WINTY™️ delivers hydrogen plants to demonstrate radical savings in green hydrogen production at windy areas

Plant’s productivity:

1 tonne of hydrogen in 24h;

plant’s lifetime: 20+ years

Geometric Spirograph Pattern



The Winties start hydrogen production at 3m/s wind speed.

No expensive concrete installation, digging, or installation of expensive PV panels is needed to start green hydrogen production. The Winty floating plant and

coastline units operate fully autonomously.

Join our team as value-adding investor to help the green energy production to spread with a competitive price

The production is implemented in Algerest - an experienced Scandinavian metal processing enterprise, located near Tallinn

Exponaut®️ composes and implements

B2B communication; is the sales representative for Algerest, Winty™️ product

Please leave your contacts and request for attendance at the factory visits, RFI-s to:

If you are interested in ordering hydrogen modular factories to serve your real estate projects in different sizes, then please submit your RFI to H2modular Factories here: